George Menaboni S.r.l
"End of the day, end of
the game 2500 miles faraway,
from the nearest port
no cheaper price
could justify
a poor service,
nor a poor quality,
nor a lack of assistance".
Try now to say this
in a different way,
changing the negative
into a positive one.
Read it slowly,
there is no hurry
nor any fair to
be late, because
we will be here to assist,
to supply,
to repair or consult;
since so many years
anytime you
will need it.
That's why
after so long time
you actually will find
George Menaboni
still on top of the
Since 1765
it was a long way.
George Menaboni s.r.l-P.IVA01234567891011-Via Chiabrera 41-57125 Livorno - Tel: 0586427591